Explore World Mobile Network – Internet for all

World Mobile Network - Internet for all

In Summary

  • The 2018-founded World Mobile article details an innovative mobile network using blockchain technology
  • Active networks in Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Papua New Guinea are highlighted as solutions to bridge the global digital gap
  • The backbone, consisting of Aether, Earth, and Air Nodes, ensures secure verification and wireless connectivity
  • According to the article, the WMT token empowers transactions, fostering financial inclusion, education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability

We live in a digital era where the internet has become an essential part of our lives, connecting us with people worldwide. However, while seven out of ten people on the planet have internet access, millions remain unconnected. So how can we connect the rest? This a question that almost every network provider has been struggling to solve during the past few years. This is where the world mobile network comes into play. This article will explore how World Mobile reshapes global communication and bridges the digital divide by connecting individuals in some of the world’s most remote areas.

What is World Mobile Network?

World Mobile was introduced in 2018 with the main objective of transforming the world into a global village. This company made history by being the first to build a mobile network powered by blockchain technology, renewable energy, and the sharing economy. Due to its innovative business model, World Mobile has delivered better services than other mobile network providers. Usage of blockchain will make world mobile have a decentralized structure, leading to better security and transparency and less expensive. The usage of renewable energy will contribute to reducing costs by reducing the expenses of power usage. This enables cost reduction and facilitates the connection of remote areas with limited access to electricity. 1

The business model of World Mobile Network

World Mobile has a unique business model that involves partnering with local entrepreneurs to operate and maintain its network. These entrepreneurs are provided with the necessary training and support to set up and manage their own Internet service provider businesses. In exchange, World Mobile receives a share of the revenue generated by these ISPs. This business model helps create jobs and economic opportunities for local entrepreneurs and ensures that World Mobile’s network is well-maintained and sustainable. By working closely with local partners, the company is able to build trust and establish a strong presence in the communities it serves.

This business model has proven to be successful in several locations around the world. The company has already launched networks in Tanzania, Zanzibar, and Papua New Guinea and plans on expanding to other countries in the near future by providing affordable and reliable internet access to underserved communities. This business model confirms that World Mobile is not only helping to bridge the digital divide but also creating new opportunities for economic growth and development.

The heart of World Mobile’s business model is its hybrid network. It uses a range of spectrums and off-the-shelf equipment to create a low-cost, high-performance network that can be deployed quickly and efficiently.

This network uses a range of spectrums including,

These spectrums are regulated but do not require licensing therefore it allows World Mobile to avoid the high costs associated with acquiring spectrum licenses. This cost-saving measure ultimately benefits end-users by making internet access more affordable. World Mobile also remains hardware-agnostic to the extent possible. Therefore it uses off-the-shelf equipment from a range of established brands such as Cisco, Asus, Ericsson, Motorola, and Netgear. This approach allows World Mobile to deploy its network quickly and efficiently, which is essential when working in remote or underserved areas. 2

World Mobile Network-Internet for all

The network architecture of World Mobile

The World Mobile network is built on three layers of node architecture. These layers are the Aether Nodes, Earth Nodes, and Air Nodes. Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Aether Nodes

The World Mobile network relies on Aether Nodes as its core infrastructure. These nodes perform as a connection between the traditional telecommunications networks and the World Mobile network. A single Aether Node is the minimum requirement for the network to function within a country. The key role of the Aether Nodes is to verify all user transactions and ensure network security. Operators of Aether Nodes are bound by local laws and regulations and must hold the necessary licenses to operate. They are also required to possess a minimum of 1 million World Mobile Tokens (WMT) to qualify as Aether Node operators. Rewards for operating an Aether Node are calculated based on the amount of traffic processed by the node, and the payment is usually made in the local currency to comply with local regulations.

Earth Nodes

Becoming an Earth Node operator is open to anyone with a PC and an internet connection. These nodes play a crucial role in validating and securing the decentralized network and are compensated with WMT tokens for their services. To operate an Earth Node a minimum of 100,000 WMT is required but it is not mandatory for users to possess the entire amount in their wallet. Instead, users can pool their stakes with other participants in a pool created by the node operator, and each participant earns WMT tokens proportional to their contribution.

Air Nodes

The primary function of Air Nodes is to provide wireless internet connectivity to end-users by receiving and processing signals from prior nodes. These nodes are not fixed in their configuration, so they can have various configurations depending on the capacity and requirements of their location. Air Node operators are usually compensated with local currency. However, if you reside in a country where cryptocurrencies are permitted, you may choose to convert your rewards into WMT tokens. 1

Blockchain of World Mobile network

The usage of blockchain technology differentiates World Mobile from other internet service providers. The use of blockchain technology in the World Mobile network has numerous benefits. With its usage, World Mobile has been able to create a decentralized and transparent system that is secure, reliable, and efficient. One of the major benefits of using blockchain technology in the World Mobile network is that it allows for secure and transparent transactions, it ensures that all transactions on the network are recorded and verified by multiple nodes and this makes it nearly impossible for fraudulent transactions to occur.


Such transparency and security are important in underserved communities where traditional banking systems may be unreliable or non-existent. Another benefit is that it allows for greater financial inclusion. With the usage of the WMT token, users can access internet services even if they don’t have access to banking services. This is particularly important in countries where a large percentage of the population is unbanked. In addition to these benefits, the World Mobile blockchain also allows for greater flexibility. The use of blockchain technology means that the network can grow and evolve over time as new nodes can be added to the network when necessary. Such flexibility is essential in underserved communities where demand for internet services may fluctuate over time. Finally, the use of blockchain technology in the World Mobile network also creates new opportunities for entrepreneurship and economic growth since it allows users to earn and spend WMT tokens.

Token offered by World Mobile Network (WMT)

WMT is the token issued by World Mobile to act as the currency for its hybrid network. It is also known as the heart of World Mobile’s blockchain. The WMT token is built on the Cardano blockchain, it allows for secure and transparent transactions. The WMT token serves as a way for users to pay for internet access on the World Mobile network therefore, by using the WMT token users can access internet services even if they don’t have access to traditional banking services. By earning WMT tokens for maintaining and expanding the network, users are encouraged to actively participate in ensuring the network remains reliable and efficient over the long term.


World Mobile has revolutionized identity management by using a system that allows its users to maintain complete authority over how third parties access and use their personal information. In order to execute it, World Mobile has collaborated with IOG to implement Atala PRISM, which is IOG’s primary identity solution, to set up digital identities for its users. Atala PRISM is a self-sovereign identity (SSI) platform and it is constructed on the Cardano blockchain.

With the usage of digital IDs, even underprivileged individuals will have access to services such as healthcare, digital banking, and education. The partnership with IOG also enables World Mobile to take advantage of IOG’s Cardano blockchain-based platform.

The benefits of using this system include,

  • Low transaction fees
  • Swift transaction processing
  • Advanced privacy and security measures
  • Greater transparency and immutability
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User adoption and feedback

The company has been making great progress in its mission to bridge the digital divide and has received positive user feedback. One key factor contributing to World Mobile’s adoption is its affordable pricing. The company’s pricing is significantly lower than that of traditional mobile network providers. For example, in Tanzania, where World Mobile has launched its first pilot project, the company’s pricing is up to 90% cheaper than that of existing mobile network operators. This makes internet access more accessible to low-income families and individuals.
Another factor driving user adoption is World Mobile is its decentralization. World Mobile is not owned by a single entity, unlike any other mobile network. Instead, it is owned and operated by a network of node operators and users. This decentralized model ensures that the network is more resilient and less susceptible to failure. It also allows for greater transparency and accountability.
In addition, users appreciate the fact that they can earn rewards by staking their World Mobile Tokens (WMT) and operating nodes on the network. This incentivizes users to actively participate in the network’s growth and development.
In terms of challenges, some users have reported connectivity issues in areas with weak signal strength. World Mobile has been working to act against these issues by expanding its network coverage and improving its signal quality. The company has also been working with local communities to educate them on the benefits of internet access and how to utilize the network.

Overview of World Mobile Network’s CSR initiatives and environmental sustainability efforts

Apart from its business operations, World Mobile has been making significant efforts toward corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental sustainability. One of the major areas of CSR that World Mobile has been focusing on is education. The company has recognized that education is a key driver of development and it is committed to providing educational opportunities to people in remote and underdeveloped areas. World Mobile has been partnering with local schools and organizations to provide access to its network and technology. The company has also been donating computers and other equipment to schools to help bridge the digital divide.
Another area of CSR that World Mobile has been focusing on is health. The company has recognized the importance of healthcare access in underdeveloped areas and has been working to provide telemedicine services to remote communities. By working with healthcare organizations and local governments, World Mobile has connected doctors and patients in areas where healthcare services are limited.
Apart from its CSR initiatives, World Mobile has also been making efforts toward environmental sustainability. The company has been working on reducing its carbon footprint. One way it has been doing this is by utilizing renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to power its network infrastructure. World Mobile has also been working to reduce electronic waste by encouraging the reuse and recycling of electronic equipment.
Due to such efforts, World Mobile has been recognized by various organizations for its efforts towards environmental sustainability. In 2021, World Mobile was awarded the “Sustainable Business of the Year” award at the Global Business Excellence Awards. World Mobile has also been receiving positive feedback from various industry experts. The company’s innovative approach to providing connectivity has been recognized by various organizations and it has been invited to speak at industry events and conferences. 1

Future Outlook

Expansion into New Markets: One of the primary goals of World Mobile Network is to provide internet connectivity to areas where it was previously unavailable or unaffordable. The network has already launched in a few countries including Tanzania and has plans to expand into several other markets. In the coming years, we can expect World Mobile Network to expand its reach and provide more people with access to affordable and reliable internet connectivity.

Partnerships and Collaborations: As the World Mobile Network grows over time, it is more likely to form partnerships and collaborations with other companies and organizations. These partnerships will help the network to expand its reach, improve its technology and offer more services to its users. For instance, the network has already partnered with Algorand, a blockchain platform, to enhance its blockchain infrastructure. We can expect to see more partnerships and collaborations in the future.

Innovation and New Services: World Mobile Network is not just focused on providing internet connectivity; it is also looking to innovate and offer new services to its users. For instance, the network is working on a decentralized messaging app that will offer end-to-end encryption and privacy to its users. In the future, we can expect to see World Mobile Network introduce more innovative services that will enhance the user experience and make the network more valuable to its users.

Increased Adoption: As more people become aware of World Mobile Network and its mission, we can expect to see increased adoption of the network. The network’s features will make it an attractive option for people in areas where traditional internet connectivity is either unaffordable or unavailable. With increased adoption, World Mobile Network will become more valuable to its users and will be able to expand its reach even further. 5


In conclusion, there is no doubt that World Mobile Network is a game-changing project that aims to revolutionize the mobile network industry. The potential of this project is enormous as it can help bridge the digital divide and bring economic opportunities to millions of people who currently lack reliable internet access. World Mobile Network offers a decentralized solution that puts the power back in the hands of its users. It will play a significant role in improving global connectivity and contributing to the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Beincrypto: https://beincrypto.com[][][]
  2. World Mobile: https://worldmobile.io/en[]
  3. Medium: https://liberlion.medium.com[]
  4. Buidlbee: https://buidlbee.com[]
  5. Ericsson: https://www.ericsson.com[]
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