Blockchain Games Garner $990M in April, Setting New Record

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 – $988 million in investments in the blockchain gaming sector in April remarkably hit a new record since January 2021, the DappRadar games report said in April 2024. 1

According to the report, with the beginning of the second quarter of 2024, the gaming sector in blockchain platforms has surpassed the entire investment of $973 million reported in the second quarter of 2023, the best performing period.

89% of funds were directed to investment firms, 7% were distributed for infrastructure, and 5% were directed to Web3 games, according to the report.

The leading venture capital firm, a16z, contributed $600 million of funding dedicated to the expansion of the gaming industry within the blockchain platform.

Bitkraft Ventures has also raised $275 million, targeting start-up investments and media companies.

It was reported in the April Dapps Industry Report that 10.6 million daily unique active wallets (Duaw) have been engaged in blockchain apps, retaining the gaming industry as the most popular sector among blockchain platforms. 2

Analysts said that play-to-air drops featuring the tokens, plus the coming updates and ongoing campaigns, would fuel the future of blockchain gaming.

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