San Francisco, Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – The privacy-preserving human identity and financial network, Worldcoin, will upgrade its protocol, introducing new features to the global community, the company announced on April 9.
The removal of verified World IDs through iris code removal and in-person age verification will be added as new features.
The World ID, which is powered by “Orbs,” the user’s eyeball scanning option to verify a human, is a digital passport.
It is noted that World IDs can be unverified by their holders.
The numeric representation of individual identity, the iris code, will be permanently deleted after a six-month “cool-off” period, which is designed to not leave room for fraud.
The users are incapable of re-verifying their IDs during the “cool-off” period.
After six months, the iris code of the users will be permanently deleted and unrecoverable, resulting in the World ID being invalid, according to the resource.
The guidance of third-party privacy and security experts like the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (BayLDA) has supported Worldcoin in launching this new feature. 1
Moving to the next feature, in-person age verification is designed to permit only users over the age of 18 to access the network.
On-site age verification operated by a third party will be continued at all orb locations before World ID verification, according to the resource. 1
With several skeptical comments from the global community since the start-up of the personhood-based network, Worldcoin is currently enhancing its infrastructure, aligning with related laws and regulations.