US Sanctions ‘Gaza Now’ News Over Crypto Terror Financing

Washington, DC, Monday, April 8, 2029- The United States recently imposed sanctions on ‘Gaza Now’ and other entities allegedly involved in fundraising for Hamas through cryptocurrency. 1

The sanctions were announced by the US. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the UK’s Office of Foreign Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) on March 27.

Among those targeted are individuals associated with Gaza Now, a social media news outlet based in Gaza, as well as London-based businesses accused of supporting Hamas fundraising efforts. According to one report, Gaza Now’s cryptocurrency wallets accumulated over $40,000 in various digital assets.

Israel’s National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing (NBCTF) has also issued a seizure order 9 ((nbctf: against Gaza Now, citing concerns over its involvement in terrorism financing activities.

As a consequence, Tether has blacklisted several cryptocurrency addresses associated with Gaza Now, preventing them from accessing USDT funds.

Chainalysis, a blockchain analysis company, assisted NBCTF in identifying these funds and expressed its commitment to collaborating with both the public and private sectors to combat the misuse of cryptocurrency for terrorist financing.

The sanctioned addresses include those used by Gaza Now for crypto donation campaigns, with total transactions amounting to nearly $4.5 million.

Gaza Now’s support for Hamas has been evident through its social media activities, including the promotion of pro-Hamas content and solicitation of donations, especially following the October 7 attacks against Israel, a report said.

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