Paris, France – Monday, August 26, 2024-Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested by French authorities at Le Bourget Airport on Thursday. The arrest stems from an ongoing investigation into Telegram’s moderation practices and its alleged failure to address illegal content such as drug trafficking, child sexual abuse material, and fraud.
Durov, a Russian-born billionaire with dual citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates, has been living in Dubai where Telegram is based. The app, which is particularly popular in Russia, Ukraine, and former Soviet Union states, has faced criticism for its lax moderation policies.
Telegram has previously denied allegations of insufficient moderation and has resisted government demands for user data. In 2018, the app was banned in Russia but was later reinstated.
Durov’s arrest has sparked widespread condemnation from Russian officials and human rights activists. They argue that the arrest is a violation of free speech and a double standard on the part of Western governments.
The incident has also raised questions about the role of social media platforms in combating illegal activity and protecting user privacy. Telegram’s weak moderation policies have made it a haven for extremist groups and individuals spreading misinformation.