Toronto, Canada, Wednesday, August 28, 2024- A new study has linked cryptocurrency ownership to certain personality traits, including psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism, and sadism.
Researchers at the University of Toronto and the University of Miami surveyed 2,001 American adults to examine the relationship between cryptocurrency ownership and various psychological and social characteristics.
However, the researchers cautioned against oversimplifying the findings, stating that the correlations were small and may not indicate a strong or consistent pattern.
The study found that 30% of respondents owned cryptocurrency and were more likely to exhibit ‘dark’ personality traits, believe in conspiracy theories, and use alternative social media platforms.
The study also revealed that cryptocurrency ownership is not exclusive to any particular political ideology.
While previous assumptions suggested a link between Bitcoin ownership and libertarianism, the study found that crypto owners have diverse political views.
Some experts have criticized the study’s findings, arguing that it is unfair to label crypto investors as psychopaths based on limited data. They point out that many factors influence investment decisions, including financial goals, risk tolerance, and market trends.
In addition, the researchers acknowledged the limitations of their research and called for further investigation into the relationship between personality traits and cryptocurrency ownership.
They emphasize the importance of understanding the broader societal factors that influence the adoption of digital assets.
The reasearch paper can be reached here.