MAS, SFA Open Nominations for 2024 FinTech Awards

MAS, SFA Open Nominations for 2024 FinTech Awards

Singapore, Thursday, August 22, 2024 – The nominations for the 2024 Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) and FinTech Excellence Awards are now in full swing, reports said. The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) along with Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) on July 8 invited the nominations.

The FinTech Excellence Awards are set as a part of the grand event, the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF).

Emerging FinTech Award, Financial Inclusivity Award, Regulatory Leader Award, Sustainable Innovator Award, Thematic-Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Champion—the five categories reserved for corporates, while individuals will be awarded the FinTech Mentor Award, a total of six award categories. One winner will be selected from each of the five corporate categories. Three winners will be awarded the FinTech Mentor Award; a total of eight award winners will be announced at the SFF award ceremony. All five winners of the corporate category will be offered a s$50,000 cash prize, and a s$5,000 cash prize will be offered to each winner of the individual category.

It is not mandatory for the FinTech company to be a regulatory entity in Singapore, as per its eligibility criteria.

The scheduled timeline for the SFF FinTech Excellence Awards 2024 is as follows:

Open registration – July 8, 2024

Deadline for submission – August 23, 2024

Period for judgement – September 2024

Announce the winners – November 7, 2024

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