Circle Launches Web3 Gas Station for Developers

Circle Open Gas Station for Web3 Developers

NEW YORK, October 24, 2023: Circle, the company behind the USD Coin (USDC) stablecoin, announced on Friday, October 20, the launch of a new platform to help developers build Web3 applications. 1

The platform, called Circle Smart Contract Platform, and Gas Station provide a set of pre-vetted code templates and APIs that make it easier for developers to deploy and manage smart contracts.

The Circle Smart Contract Platform is designed to make Web3 development more accessible to developers of all skill levels. The platform also includes a number of features that make it easier to scale and secure Web3 applications, such as built-in security and compliance features.

The launch of Circle Smart Contract Platform is a sign of the growing interest in Web3 development. As more and more businesses and organizations look to adopt Web3 technologies, there is a growing need for tools and resources that can help developers build and deploy Web3 applications.

  1. Circle:[]
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