Ohio State Senator Introduces a Bill for a BTC Reserve Fund

Ohio State Senator Introduces a Bill for a BTC Reserve Fund

In Summary

  • Ohio Senator O’Brien introduces Bitcoin reserve fund bill.
  • Public funds to be converted to BTC and stored for 5 years.
  • Bill mandates local companies accept crypto payments.
  • Includes a BTC donation system for eligible parties in Ohio.

Catenaa, Tuesday, February 11, 2025 – Ohio state senator Sandra O’Brien on January 28 introduced a second bill for a Bitcoin (BTC) reserve fund, reports on February five said.

The public funds would be converted to Bitcoin and stored in the state treasury for the proposed BTC fund.

It is mandated to store a bitcoin acquisition for a minimum of five years under a secured method.

O’Brien said that the crypto sphere would be evolving as always with President Trump’s decisions, and it would pave the path for Ohio to become a leading player.

The bill required the local companies to enable crypto payments, including all types of transactions, reports said.

Further, a system for BTC donations of eligible parties in Ohio has been considered in the proposed bill.

In late December, the House Republican leader has introduced the Ohio Bitcoin Reserve Act, in which the state reserves have granted BTC allocations in it.

About twelve states in the US have introduced bills aimed at crypto allocations, while Arizona’s and Utah’s are pending.

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