OpenAI Co-Founder Sutskever’s SSI AI Startup Raises $1B

OpenAI Co-Founder Sutskever's SSI AI Startup Raises $1B

In Summary

  • SSI, co-founded by Ilya Sutskever, raises $1B
  • Focused on developing safe superintelligent AI
  • Research teams based in Palo Alto & Tel Aviv
  • Valuation reaches $5B

New York, Thursday, September 12, 2024 – Safe Superintelligence (SSI), a three-month-old AI company co-founded by OpenAI’s former chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, has raised $1 billion to advance the development of AI systems focused on safety.
One may read the full annoucement here.

The funding will support acquiring computing power and attracting top talent, as SSI positions itself to create safe superintelligent AI.

SSI, currently valued at $5 billion, will maintain a team of researchers and engineers split between Palo Alto, California, and Tel Aviv, Israel.

The funding round saw participation from leading venture capital firms such as Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia Capital, and DST Global.

Sutskever, one of AI’s most influential figures, co-founded SSI in June 2024 after leaving OpenAI.

Alongside co-founders Daniel Gross and Daniel Levy, Sutskever aims to focus on AI safety, amid global concerns about the risks posed by unchecked AI development.

Sutskever’s new venture comes after his departure from OpenAI, following internal disagreements and changes at the company.

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